Are You Enough? 

Are you enough? Beyond all the professional and academic accomplishments, one may possess, are you truly enough? 

This is a question that I found myself asking in the mirror recently. You see, for a moment in time, I allowed society to determine my self-worth. Any situation can bring on this feeling but, in my instance most recently, it was professionally related. I have always believed that when one starts to doubt themselves is when fear starts to creep into our mental rolodex. Fear of success. Fear of failure. Fear of living. What is fear anyways? Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. What this means is when the perceptions, opinions, and judgements of outside societal influences intercede into our psyche, they begin to take over reality; hence, them being called “false evidence” or “false realities.”

So, what is reality? Can you answer the question of “Are you enough?” Of course, you can. God loves us. It is His love and acceptance of us that transcends above all. It is His love for us that keeps our head up high, the smile on our face, that lifts us up in our lowest moments. Strip away the career, the money, the degrees—accomplishments that society has deemed makes some individuals more important than others and what do you have left? This is the person that you must understand that God loves. I had to remind myself of His love. I am enough. And so are you.    


Who Am I: A Little Girl from Red Land